The exhibition can be visited until Sunday and then, virtually, on the municipal website
Goodbye to El Turista Accidental exhibition

The photographic exhibition ‘El Turista Accidental’ will close its doors this Sunday, October 17, after spending three months at Boca del Calvari Museum.
The exhibition that takes mass tourism as a reference, its impact on the city of Benidorm and its inhabitants, brings together around a hundred photographs of Martin Parr, Cristina de Middel and María Moldes, three international image professionals who have found their inspiration in the city of skyscrapers.
‘El Turista Accidental’ exhibits three different photographic series arising from the approach of each of the artists who have captured their impressions from their particular perspectives. Almost a hundred snapshots, accompanied by two continuous video art projections.
The Councilor for Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer, has taken stock of the exhibition that "has been visited by thousands of people" during the summer months "many of them tourists who not by accident have decided to spend their vacations, as the protagonists of the photos exhibited, in Benidorm ”.
Pellicer wanted to highlight the impact of 'El Turista Accidental' in the media and has valued it as "very positive" the graphic reports dedicated by national newspapers, televisions throughout the country because "they have multiplied the footprint of the exhibition "and" made our reference museum known. "
The goodbye of ‘El Turista Accidental’ will inevitably occur on Sunday. Until then, Boca del Calvari will keep its doors open. "But it is not a goodbye forever", has pointed out Pellicer, remembering that the exhibition can continue to be visited virtually "with a computer, tablet or smart phone" from the website of Benidorm City Council: https: // benidormvirtual .com / sites / default / files / BenidormVirtual / BocaDelCalvari / ElTuristaAccidental / index.htm