Los asistentes vibraron con las actuaciones de los artistas invitados y el col The attendees enjoyed the performances of the guest artists and the culmination of Nebulossa
The Euroclub brings together 4,500 people at Julio Iglesias Auditorium before the final gala of Benidorm Fest

The Euroclub party organised by Benidorm City Council was a success last night, exceeding all expectations. Julio Iglesias Auditorium in L’Aigüera Park reached its maximum capacity with 4,500 people who enjoyed and vibrated until after midnight with the performance of DJs and guest artists who participated in previous editions of Benidorm Fest, joined by the Spanish representative at Eurojunior, Chloe Delarrosa. A day that culminated with the performance of Nebulossa, the Spanish representatives at the last edition of Eurovision, who performed their song ‘Zorra’ and put the finishing touch with a version of ‘A quién le importa’ by Alaska and Dinarama.
From the moment the doors opened at 7 pm, it was clear that the day was going to be very successful, as confirmed by the queues that formed to access the venue. The ‘Eurofan’ phenomenon grows every year, as do the parallel activities to Benidorm Fest. In Benidorm, the ‘festfans’ are already a multitude and their growth is exponential.
The great reception of the Euroclub began with the DJ Víctor Escudero, but the temperature rose from 10 pm with the performance of the eight artists who had not qualified for the final in this edition of the Benidorm Fest: Sonia and Selena, Chica Sobresalto, David Afonso, DeTeresa, Henry Semler, K!ngdom, Carla Frigo and Celine Van Heel.
After their performances, the guest artists were presented by the dancers César Louzán and Iosu Martínez. Chloe Delarrosa, Marta Sango, Megara, Sofía Coll, Blanca Paloma, Almácor and finally Nebulossa made everyone enjoy themselves to the fullest and the festival promises new emotions in the future.
Tonight, the final gala of Benidorm Fest can be followed live from the Plaza de SS MM Los Reyes de España and from the Julio Iglesias auditorium itself to find out who will be Spain's representative at the Eurovision Song Contest.