At 14.00 hours, 30.03% of the voters had passed through the polls, 0.63 points below 2015
Election day starts in Benidorm without incidents
Election day on Sunday, in which citizens are called to elect their representatives in the municipal corporation and in the European Parliament, has begun without noticeable incidents in the 16 electoral colleges of Benidorm. According to the first advance of participation made public by the Ministry of the Interior, at 2:00 pm, 30.03% of the 43,785 voters called to the polls in the municipal elections exercised their right to vote, 0.63% less than in the same electoral appointment of 2015.
The next participation percentage will be announced at 6:00 p.m. Two hours later, the polling stations will close and the scrutiny will start at the 78 tables in Benidorm.
In total, a total of 13 candidatures have been submitted to the Municipal Elections in Benidorm. For the European Elections, the census is 43,469 people.