The local government spokesman accuses the four opposition groups of "wanting to boycott" the agreement "for electoral purposes"
De Zárate: "The study of the VPT agreed with the unions has all the necessary reports for approval"
The government ensures "only seeks to defend the general interest" with the proposal on the garbage service also withdrawn by the opposition
The spokesman of the local government of Benidorm, José Ramón González de Zárate, has assured today that the study of Job Placement Assessment (VPT), negotiated with the trade union centrals and retired yesterday from the plenary agenda by the four groups of the opposition (PSOE, Cs, Liberales and Compromís-Los Verdes), has "all the reports and documentation necessary for approval." Hence, in a press conference said that the four opposition groups "want to boycott and delay the implementation of this agreement" with "electoral purposes", based on the maxim that "when things are worse for Benidorm, it's better for them".
De Zárate recalled that the VPT is "a claim of the unions that comes from afar", and added that with the document raised yesterday in the plenary session and knocked down by the opposition "the government team only seeks to adapt the municipal staff to reality , and end the productivities granted 'to some workers because of his/her contacts' and the wage discrimination of some employees over others.
The spokesman has stressed that "for four months we have been negotiating with all unions, accepting a good part of their allegations", so the resulting document ensures "a good VPT" that "ensures that each worker is paid for the functions performed and that the employees with the lowest salaries do not see their pay reduced. " "It is not a generalized rise in salaries, but what is achieved is a fair remuneration for all workers in the municipal staff," he stressed.
Specifically in this study are marked "points by factor that corresponds to each job of the City Council based on the functions to develope", which is the first step to "be able to write and approve the VPT." Subsequently, it will be necessary to determine the amount per point and obtain the legal and economic reports that endorse the VTP before sending it to the Goverment.
De Zárate insisted that "contrary to what was maintained yesterday by the opposition, there is no lack of documentation, the signing of the Negotiation Table is not lost, nor is an economic report necessary at this time of the process, as the financial controller himself has already moved". He also recalled that "four central trade unions approved the study in the General Negotiation Table (SPPLB, CSIF, CCOO and SEP) and only the representative of UGT did it against."
De Zárate has stated that "the decision of the opposition to leave the study of the VPT on the table is a real nonsense, as it was also doing the same with the point relating to the service of waste collection and street cleaning." On the latter, has asserted that "the only motivation that moves the local government in this matter is to defend the general interest of Benidorm and its citizenship", avoiding the negative consequences that may arise from paying the contractor of the service, Development of Constructions and Contracts (FCC), "the prices collected in a ruling of 2016 that is not a final judgement yet" and that "refers to the 2009-2012 period".
The spokesman has detailed that the proposal parked yesterday by the opposition intended "to suspend the plenary agreement of September 2017 in which the price review of the period 2013-2017 was approved" instead of canceling the agreement as claimed by FCC; as well as "calculate the price to be paid to the winning company in the years 2018 and 2019". "What we said with this agreement was 'no' to that claim of the company," he added.
To postpone this decision, he added, could "have bad consequences" for the municipal coffers and in this the case the opposition groups that yesterday blocked the agreement could be responsible for that".
De Zárate expects the four opposition groups to think again their position, and both issues can be solved "satisfactorily for the general interest as soon as possible."