The initiative has been developed in Tomás Ortuño street at the height of l'Hort de Colón
The Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals raises funds with the traditional 'Euro Marathon'
The Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals has once again celebrated the traditional 'Euro Marathon', an initiative that was recovered in 2021 after a year of hiatus due to the pandemic and that serves to raise funds for the upcoming festivities, with which they collaborate businesses, hospitality establishments, residents and also tourists. The mayor, Toni Pérez; the Councilor for Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles; and the queens of the Festes Majors Patronals, Aila Merenciano and Chloe D'Hebboudt, together with the president of the Comissió, José Vicente Fuster, have been in charge of debuting the adhesive tape by depositing the first euros on it. Then it was the turn of the ladies of the court of honour and the rest of the members of the Corporation who accompanied the Comissió in this 'Euro Marathon', which on this occasion began in Tomás Ortuño Street at the height of l'Hort de Colon.
Throughout the day there have been many people who have come to collaborate, with a string that advanced up the streets and added meters of coins for the upcoming November festivities.