The mayor issues an edict that includes the suspension of the municipal street market, sports schools and school games
The City Council suspends activities and closes municipal facilities to the public due to coronavirus

The City Council distributes 20,000 information leaflets with prevention measures in hotels and other establishments; and remember the recommendations on events
The Local Government Board has decided to suspend all activities organized by the City Council and / or scheduled in municipal offices and has decreed the closure of facilities to the public from 3:00 pm today and until further notice. This has been communicated to the Corporation in a Board of Spokespersons and is included in the statement issued today by the mayor, Toni Pérez, which includes "prevention measures" adopted by the City Council in relation to "facilities, activities and municipal events ”with“ the priority objective ”of“ avoiding the transmission, contagion and spread of the coronavirus ”.
In this way, the suspension and temporary closure of Early Childhood Care Services, Nursery Schools and SAPI, Conservatories of Music and Dance, TAPIS and the Early Care Service have been agreed. In the municipal Social, Civic-Neighborhood and Socio-cultural Centers, the programmed activities are suspended, ordering the closure of said centers. Only decentralized basic and specific primary care services are maintained in their respective centers and "exclusively for the users of said services".
For socio-health care centers and services, and by the managing entities, whatever their nature, they will act in accordance with the provisions of the Regional Administration.
The municipal network of museums (Boca del Calvari, Hort de Colón and Museu Marítim) and libraries have also been ordered closed. In addition, Espai Jove programs, School Games and municipal sports schools are suspended, and all municipal sports facilities are closed to the public.
Likewise, taking into account its itinerant nature and the concentration of people, the municipal market in Foietes is suspended until further notice. Guided visits to municipal facilities are also canceled, as well as the transfer of municipal spaces to third parties.
On the other hand, the postponement of private associative, social, professional, festive, cultural, sports events, etc. is recommended, and the organizing entities are requested to follow this recommendation also in their venues.
In general, the City Council will reinforce cleaning measures in all public spaces.
All these measures may be extended, reduced or modified depending on the evolution of the health circumstances that motivate them.
The edict reminds citizens that the City Council has an electronic office through the page, recommending its use for as many administrative procedures as necessary. Likewise, in order to “minimize irrigation situations”, citizens are asked to adopt the self-protection measures against COVID-19 listed at and to contact any eventuality related to the virus 900 300 555.
The mayor thanked "the understanding" and "collaboration" of "people of Benidorm and our visitors" in complying with these measures; and has requested that it act with "prudence, good sense, civility and responsibility."
Information brochures
Parallel to this edict, the City Council has published 20,000 informational brochures with hygiene measures for self-protection against the virus, which is already being distributed in hotels, tourist apartments, campsites, hotels and restaurants, and shops. In addition, these brochures have been inserted into the existing information screens in the different municipal centers for public knowledge.
In addition, conversations have been held with the main business associations of tourism and leisure in the city to address the recommendations of the health authorities regarding the holding of events.