The grant amounts to 228,240 euros, which will be supplemented with municipal funds to employ 16 beneficiaries for a period of 10 months
The City Council requests a subsidy for the hiring of unemployed young people with the EMPUJU programme

Benidorm City Council, through the Department of Employment and Local Promotion, is going to request a grant of 228,240 euros to hire 16 unemployed young people under 30 years of age for 10 months through the EMPUJU program. The councillor for the department, Mónica Gómez, explained that “one more year, and within the municipal policy of promoting employment among the segments of the population with the highest unemployment rates, we are participating in a new call for this program by the Valencian Employment and Training Service LABORA, a program that is aimed at the population under 30 years of age and that will allow us to hire 16 young people from our town.”
Mónica Gómez explained that this programme is financed with European funds and launched by the Generalitat, through the ‘Avalem Joves’ plan, which in turn forms part of the National Youth Guarantee System and that it “has among its objectives to improve the levels of employability of young people, a priority group within the employment promotion programmes, by the specific objectives of the sectoral employment policies included in article 4 of the Regulation of the European Social Fund +, among which is to improve access and activation measures for all job seekers, particularly young people through the youth guarantee”.
Gómez explained that “the City Council intends to be able to hire 16 young people, the same number as last year” and that it is “a figure that we will be able to reach if we obtain the full amount requested from LABORA”. She also recalled that “the subsidy from European funds allows us to cover part of the programme, which is always complemented by a contribution from the City Council”.
To conclude, Mónica Gómez pointed out that, once the subsidy has been obtained, the City Council will provide information on the job profiles that will be in demand, the requirements and the deadlines for registration by those interested in LABORA, which is responsible for selecting the staff.
In the previous edition of the EMPUJU program, Benidorm City Council incorporated 16 unemployed workers under 30 years of age in 2023, and another 17 unemployed people over that age who were hired through the EXPLUS program. In total, 33 unemployed workers, thanks to two subsidies obtained by the LABORA council for both programs: 258,264.00 euros for EXPLUS and 253,716.00 euros for EMPUJU, both financed through the European Social Fund. The municipal contribution, in turn, was close to 300,000 euros.