The intention of the Department of Security is that these troops work in the morning and afternoon
Benidorm will reinforce the section of Beaches of the Local Police with the five new officers of the Mobility shift

Benidorm City Council wants to reinforce the Beach section of the Local Police with the addition of five new officers of the mobility shift who will join the staff in the coming weeks.
The Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, recalled that "we are practically ending the official exams in the Mobility department," and explained that "the intention of this government is that, as soon as they can join the work, these agents immediately go to be part of this section of Beaches because we understand that it is the most important service we have to reinforce ".
Martínez indicated that "just to ensure that this reinforcement is the most effective possible" it is intended that the new agents "work in the morning and afternoon".
The incorporation of the five agents is part of the procedure to equip the Local Police with 20 new personnel: five for the mobility shift - agents from other municipalities - and fifteen for the free shift. In these moments the selective process for the coverage of the places of the mobility shift is in its final phase. Once this process has been completed, the free-time course will begin, to which 750 applicants have applied.