The road will have parking spaces on both sides, more places for people with reduced mobility and an area for motorcycles
Benidorm begins on Sunday the asphalting of Barca del Bou street in Salt de l'Aigua prior to the park and ride

Next Sunday night the asphalting and painting work will begin on Barca del Bou street, in the Salt de l'Aigua school complex, work that will be completed throughout the week with the asphalting of the park and ride located to the entrance of the complex and that between the two actions will cover about 3,000 square meters.
On Carrer Barca del Bou, after paving, horizontal marking will be carried out so that parking will be allowed on both sides of the road instead of one. The number of places for people with reduced mobility will also be increased, from two to four, and there will also be an area for parking motorcycles.
Regarding the mobility of vehicles, the street is limited to 10 km/h as in the rest of the complex. "We believe that it is a fundamental work that completes all the previous actions that we have been carrying out and that have managed to end the significant traffic jams that were occurring," said the Councilor for Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate.
About park-and-ride parking, the mayor specified that “it will be prepared so that people can park there, and if they wish, walk to the city center in ten minutes. Also for those who have to go to any of the Salt de l'Aigua centers to park”. González de Zárate reiterated that the objective of this action "is that everything is ready for when the bulk of visitors arrive at Easter."
This intervention is complemented by others carried out months ago. Thus, on Barca del Bou street, a new three-meter wide sidewalk has been built to protect pedestrians and ensure accessibility. This sidewalk starts from the existing roundabout and runs through the IES Beatriu Fajardo de Mendoza and Bernat de Sarrià.
In the same area, a lug has also been created at the pedestrian crossing that connects the IES Pere María Orts i Bosch and the CEIP Mestre Gaspar López, rainwater collection has been improved at the entrance to the center, and a new fuel tank for the heating system.
Similarly, on the plot occupied by the Official School of Languages and the UNED, the placement of a new sliding door to access the center was completed, which is twice as wide to allow vehicles to enter and exit simultaneously, the painting of the existing car park and the placement of a fire escape.