Antonio Pérez Pérez from the Popular party has taken office again today as a mayor of Benidorm as representative of the most voted list, after reaching an absolute majority in the last municipal elections, and receive the majority of votes of the new municipal corporation in the plenum of investiture .
After the promise or oath of the position of councilor or councilor on the part of the 25 new ediles of the corporation, proceeded to the voting, in which Antonio Perez Perez obtained the 13 votes of the popular ediles, being the candidate with more supports and revalidating his position at the head of the Mayor's Office.
After swearing in his position as mayor and receiving the stick of command of the city from the hand of the councilwoman Ángela Llorca, Perez has delivered a speech in which he began by thanking "the people of Benidorm, who with their free and democratic vote past May 26, has configured what is already the eleventh Municipal Corporation; the one that today begins its journey "The mayor has stressed that" achieve the Benidorm that we all want, is everyone's task, without exclusion, being a work and a collective responsibility that transcends this own corporation, because it concerns the whole society. That is why the great agreement that we propose, - he added -, is with the people of Benidorm. With each and every one of our neighbors "
The mayor also stressed "that governing is not just deciding, it is also dialogue and seek agreements. This is what we have done and we will continue to do so and it is now clear to everyone that in the last four years, Benidorm has undergone profound changes. Some have come to an end, others are already running and there are many that, projected, will soon begin to become reality. And now, - stressed Toni Pérez -, we intend to give continuity to this project with which Benidorm has prepared for the future without forgetting our past.
The new municipal corporation is formed by Antonio Pérez Pérez, Ana Pellicer Pérez, José Ramón González De Zárate Unamuno, Aida García Mayor, Lorenzo Martínez Sola, Mónica Vanesa Gómez López, Jesús Carrobles Blanco, Ángela Llorca Seguí, Maria Lourdes Caselles Doménech, Jaime Jesús Pérez Esteban, Maria Dolores Cebreros Moral, Maria Teresa Moreno García-Vera and Ángela María Zaragozí Martínez for the Partido Popular (PP). Rubén Martínez Gutiérrez, Francisca Gómez García, Berardino Mira Estirado, Cristina Escoda Santamaría, Daniel Luque Rísquez, Maria Teresa Águila Santos, Conrado José Hernández Álvarez, Ana Maria Cañadas Martínez, José Enrique Ripoll Lerbet and María Luz Navarro Fuster for the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE); and Juan Francisco Balastegui Forrat and Anastasia Pérez Sebastiá for Ciudadanos (C's).