On Tuesday, with the release of balloons, completed the events organized to mark the 'International Breast Cancer Day 2016'
This morning at 9.30 am, has begun the XIV Solidarity march organized by Anémona Marina Baixa, (Self Help Group of Women with Breast Cancer), which has brought more than 3,000 citizens. A true 'blue and pink tide', the colors of the commemorative T-shirts edited for the occasion. The march lived a festive atmosphere. There were stands, tents and a bar where participants could regain strength and enjoy the paellas and snacks at reasonable prices. Among the participants, the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez; the councilwoman of Equality, Angela Llorca; representatives of all local groups and the Senator Agustín Almodóbar. There were also a large representation of associations like the president of Festes Majors Patronals, Manuel Agüera; the queens, Beatriz Amor and Paula González de Zárate, accompanied by their court of honor, and the president of the Association of Peñas, Mariló Cebrelos. Toni Pérez highlighted this fourteenth edition of Anémona Solidarity March for the great "successful participation", but above all he stressed "the involvement of all who are seeking in this day the solidarity of this wonderful project that represents Anémona "and he committed to" continue supporting with all our effort” from the City Hall to the association.
Día Internacional del cáncer de mama
Antes del inicio de la marcha, integrantes de Anémona han realizado un lazo rosa sobre la arena de la Playa de Levante, justo enfrente del escenario. A lo largo de esta semana que empieza, continuarán los actos programados por Anémona y el Ayuntamiento con motivo del ‘Día Internacional del Cáncer de Mama’. el martes, día 19, en la plaza del Ayuntamiento, a las 18.00 horas, se formará un gran lazo humano y se dará lectura a un manifiesto. Seguidamente se soltarán globos rosas y blancos que representan la lucha de las miles de personas que sufren esta enfermedad.