This initiative will continue during the month of June
23,000 menus have been reached up today, offered by Benidorm City Council to famlies, in addition to those of ‘Menjadors a casa’ program

As a complement to ‘Menjadors a casa’ program for schoolchildren in Benidorm, which began on April 7, the scope of this direct aid program for families is expanded by the City Council. In this municipal initiative Cáritas and Alicante Gastronómico are involved.
Every Monday and Thursday 480 complete menus are delivered to families according to requests made from Cáritas Association. The supra-municipal initiative provides 380 menus in each delivery and the other one hundred menus, up to 480, and 1,440 at the weekend, are completed by Benidorm City Council including donations from companies and individuals in Benidorm.
During the months of April and May, 20,366 menus consisting of first and second courses and dairy products were distributed.
Municipal staff and volunteers from the Collective Aid Network (#RAC) are in charge of preparing the lots and distributing them in a municipal initiative to care for families in the five points set up for this purpose: Rincón de Loix, La Cala, Colonia Madrid, Centro-Casco Antiguo and Avenida de Europa.
This direct support service to vulnerable families after the Covid health crisis19 -which has generated a social and economic crisis- will be maintained during the month of June and will attend to cases that are reported through Caritas and the Collective Aid Network (#RAC), telephone 900 701 322.
In the delivery of this Thursday and for the weekend, in addition to the elaborations of Alicante Gastronómica in the CdT "Domingo Devesa" in Benidorm, each family portion will include ingredients for 2 kilos of hotpot, liter and a half of soup , four first courses, four second courses, three yogurts and a liter and a half of milk.