The proclamation of Paqui Soria in the Castle begins the festivities in honor of Virgen del Carmen

The Castle of Benidorm hosted yesterday afternoon the reading of the proclamation of the festivities in honor of Virgen del Carmen in Benidorm, which this year have had Paqui Soria Pérez as a herald. The event, which was held once the mass finished in the parish of San Jaime and Santa Ana, was attended by the mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez; the councillor of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles; as well as several members of the municipal corporation. The Marinera de Honor, Cristina Pérez Pallarés, and the chairman of the Virgen del Carmen Festival Committee, Ginés Alvarado, presided over the start of the festivities.
The events continue on Friday with the festival, while on Saturday there will be giant paella and at night there will be live music. On Sunday, the 15th, there will be the traditional sea procession that will leave the port of Benidorm. Finally, on Monday, July 16, the celebration of Virgen del Carmen, patroness saint of fishermen and sailors will be celebrated.
The Festival Commission has published 200 numbered prints of oil by the local artist Miguel Ribes Sogorb 'La Mare de Deu del Carme al poble de Benidorm', which will be used to raise funds for the Festivities.