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The corporation agrees to ask the Regional Goverment to give continuity to the plurilingual experimental program in the public school Bautista Lledó

The plenary session approves unanimously the EDUSI, valued at 34 million to 10 million eligible for EU funds

27 November 2017
El pleno aprueba por unanimidad la EDUSI, valorada en 34 millones, para optar a 10 millones en fondos europeos

<p>The City Council hands the plot over to the Health Ministry to build the new health center in Rincón de Loix</p>

The full body of the corporation has unanimously approved the proposal for a Sustainable and Integrated Urban Development Strategy (EDUSI) with which Benidorm will be eligible for 10 million euros from European funds to implement up to 2023 measures that increase the quality of life of the citizens. All the measures included in the DUSI are valued at 34 million euros, and revolve around the improvement of quality and access to information technologies (ICT), the reduction of CO2 emissions, the protection of the environment and efficiency in the use of resources, as well as the fight against inequality and poverty through inclusion policies.

The councilman of Urban Scene, José Ramón González de Zárate, has indicated that this DUSI strategy is "the General Plan in social matters for the coming years", and thanked his contribution to "the more than 2,000 people who have completed the citizen surveys "; the hundred associations that have participated with their proposals and contributing to the detection of problems; to the civil service body; and the civic platform 'Edusiónate' emerged within the Neighborhood Council to support the project.

De Zárate has indicated that in the previous call Benidorm "received a very good score with his proposal", which has now been improved and in which the area of ​​action has been extended to the Salto del Agua area. Thus, the area of ​​action is the axis Beniardá-Jaime I, which includes the upper part of the Colonia Madrid, as well as the area of ​​Els Tolls neighborhood closest to the bullring, and Jaime I environment with special incidence in the sphere of influence of Alfredo Corral.

This area is completed with a peri-urban area that encompasses all the natural environments of the ravines, the whole area parallel to the TRAM line, the existing parks and also two large green areas: El Moralet and the surroundings of the future park of the Séquia Mare. The person in charge of Urban Scene has pointed out that the City Council is already acting in this area with projects such as the construction of the footbridge that will link Els Tolls with the surroundings of the Palau d'Esports and the future park of the Séquia Mare.

The DUSI strategy includes actions valued at 34 million euros.

By a large majority, the plenary session has asked the Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sports to continue the experimental multilingual program at the public school Bautista Lledó, which began in 2010 and is based on a linguistic project with English as a language vehicular The motion signed by the municipal groups of PP, PSOE, Citizens for Benidorm (CBM), Citizens (Cs) and Liberals of Benidorm (LiBE), and by the non-attached councilors also includes the support and defense of a public education that enhances the Castilian, Valencian and English.

With the vote of all the councilors, it has been agreed to cede to the Ministry of Health - by the formula of the mutation demanial - of a plot of 3,558 square meters next to the soccer fields 'Antonio López' del Rincón de Loix for construction of a health center. The Councilor for Urban Development, Lourdes Caselles, reported that on October 26 the Ministry confirmed the "technical feasibility" of that plot to host a health center and requested the transfer of it. Caselles has indicated that this assignment "is conditional on the construction of the health center", so if the Ministry does not build these facilities the floor will be the City Council.

With the vote of all the councilors present, the proposal of the Board of Spokesmen for rejecting gender violence has flourished, in which the City Council's intention to "make prevention (...) a priority and transversal policy" is expressed. . The proposal includes the commitment to "continue providing the comprehensive care required by women victims", to collaborate in the "training of our young people" in equality, and to develop an information campaign in this regard. Likewise, the plenary session has agreed to the accession of Benidorm to the Regional Council for Equality of La Marina Baixa (CCIMB).

With the support of all the councilors present, the proposal of the Board of Spokesmen to deliver the Benidorm Corporate Medal to the lawyer José Pedro Pérez-Llorca, one of the 'fathers' of the Spanish Constitution and whose family is a native of the city.

With the unanimous vote it has been agreed to ask the Generalitat to grant the retirement diploma to Local Police officers Santiago Ortuño and Nicolás Galdón; as well as the renewal of the Municipal School Council.

By majority, an extrajudicial credit recognition has been approved in the amount of 42,904.74 euros to pay the invoices for August and September of the El Tossalet municipal school, whose new contract was delayed to make it coincide with the change of the school year .

The plenary unanimously has declared of public utility the improvement works in the installations of the Firemen's Park of Benidorm, consisting of the extension of the garages, the box office area and adaptation of other dependencies. By a large majority, a bonus of 95% has also been granted for the concept of the Building, Installation and Works Tax (ICIO).

The corporation has also given the green light to cover the position of clarinet teacher at the Municipal Conservatory of Music 'José Pérez Barceló' for the resignation of the professor; as well as the 2016 General Account and the memory of the cost of services for the year 2016, which was already addressed in the Special Account Committee held last September.

Motions of the opposition

With the majority support, a Cs motion has been approved -recommended by the same group- so that at the same time the calls for sectorial or specific commissions are sent, all the documentation referring to the topics to be dealt with is submitted.

The remaining motions have remained on the table at the request of the Cs group, appealing to Article 173 of the Regulation on the Organization and Functioning and Legal Regime of Local Entities (ROF), so that technical reports not included in the file can be collected.

Emergency motions

Unanimously, a motion by the Compromís-Los Verdes group has been approved so that the City Council requests that a budget for the bidding and execution of the works of the second phase of Paseo de Poniente be included in the General State Budgets.


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