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Claims back to the Generalitat in order to request the tramway of the TRAM where it passes through Benidorm to avoid traffic jams and road safety problems on Beniardá Avenue

The plenary session approves the regulation that prohibits personal mobility vehicles from circulating on sidewalks, except in cases of functional diversity

25 March 2019
El pleno aprueba la regulación que prohíbe a los vehículos de movilidad personal circular por las aceras, salvo en casos de diversidad funcional

<p>The corporation appoints Adopted Son to the lawyer and politician José Pedro Pérez-Llorca, one of the &#039;fathers&#039; of the Constitution recently deceased</p>

The plenary session of the Benidorm corporation has unanimously approved today the modification of the Mobility Ordinance to regulate the use of personal mobility vehicles, including scooters, segways and self-propelled wheelchairs. The councilman of the area, José Ramón González de Zárate, thanked "the work and patience of the municipal technicians" has led to a regulation that adapts "to the lines drawn by the General Directorate of Traffic and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces "and with which" Benidorm becomes one of the first cities to apply a regulation that orders the use of these new vehicles with the greatest guarantees of safety for all users of the road, mainly pedestrians ".

As detailed during the session, this regulation "prohibits these vehicles from circulating on the sidewalks in general, except in the case of people with reduced mobility or functional diversity who may do so at a maximum speed of 4 kilometers per hour, the equivalent to the speed of pedestrians. " These vehicles of personal mobility will not be able to circulate along the bike lanes located on the sidewalks, but they will be able to circulate along the roadway. In single-lane streets where vehicle passage is authorized, they may drive "at a maximum speed of 20 kilometers per hour, as they may also do on the road respecting the same speed"; while for the parks only the smallest skates will be able to transit.

In addition, all users of this type of vehicle are required to drive with a helmet and with civil liability insurance. The regulations approved today include a sanctioning regime with fines of up to 500 euros, in cases of very serious infractions.

The plenary session by a large majority has also approved to urge the General Directorate of Public Works, Transport and Mobility of the Generalitat Valenciana that the 2009 project to improve the CV-70 that links Alcoy and Benidorm with Confrides is considered a priority in the UNEIX document, which defines the main strategic lines of action for the period 2019-2030. According to the proposal, this project must contemplate two wide lanes -one in each direction-, the elimination of curves and a tunnel that avoids a mountain pass near Confrides, shortening the time of travel and increasing safety.

In addition, and through an amendment by the local government itself, it has been incorporated to ask the same Directorate General the suppression of the steps at TRAM level and the transfer of this infrastructure as it passes through Benidorm following the model that already operates throughout the Line 1 and much of Line 9 to avoid traffic jams that occur in Avenida de Beniardá after the start-up of the new halt.

Besides in terms of mobility, most councilors have ratified the decree of final approval of the modification of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that improves pedestrian and road access to the area of ​​the future commercial center and the industrial estate.

By a large majority, the plenary session endorsed the proposal of the Councilor for Urban Development, Lourdes Caselles, to provisionally approve the second modification of the Partial Plan 3/1 Industrial for its referral to the Conselleria. The mayor explained that "this modification means adapting this Partial Plan to the sectoral reports issued by the Hydrographic Confederation of Júcar and the General Deputy Directorate of Mobility, as well as the favorable report from the Ministry of Development, which allows us to continue advancing with guarantees in the development of the industrial estate, the commercial center and all those infrastructures complementary to both. "

Most of the councilors of the corporation have given the green light to the Internal Reform Plan of the Los Arcos Hotel and the corresponding agreement in which the compensation to be made for the property is paid on account of the work of renovation, improvement and expansion allows the establishment to upgrade according to the specific modification number 1 of the General Plan. The councilor of Urbanism has pointed out that the establishment already gave "a strip of two meters of facade, equivalent to 1,260 square meters useful, for the expansion of the Philippines and Lepanto Avenue". The compensation is completed "with a contribution of 113,472.70 euros, amount that is incorporated into the Municipal Land for the acquisition of soil endowments."

Unanimously, the plenary has agreed to request the competent body of Costas to resume the procedure of reversal and reversion to the City Council of Alcoy and Madrid avenues and Virgen del Sufragio street, once the National Court has declared the judgment dismissed. the appeal presented by the City Council against the new demarcation.

By a large majority, the corporation has named Adopted Son of Benidorm to the lawyer and politician José Pedro Pérez-Llorca Rodrigo, one of the 'fathers' of the Spanish Constitution who died on 6 March. The agreement of the Board of Spokesmen indicates that Pérez-Llorca, a descendant of Benidorm, "professed the city of Benidorm an unbreakable affection". "Those who knew him or held positions of responsibility with his political stage - he continues the proposal - assure that he always turned upside down when he was asked for support" for the city, for projects such as the construction of the second phase of the purification plant or to promote the Institute Pere Mª Orts i Bosch. Also, with this distinction, Benidorm recognizes him "for having contributed his talent to configure the constitutional framework that consolidated our democracy, betting on the coexistence and progress of Spain."

By majority, and after an amendment of the PSOE, the creation of a technical commission has been made possible, which will be in charge of monitoring and evaluating applications for aid for the implementation of new companies in Benidorm.

Unanimously, the commencement of the procedure for awarding distinctions and decorations by the Generalitat Valenciana for the retirement of members of the Local Police Corps to the inspectors Miguel Peñalver, Francisco Javier Aguilar and Francisco Manuel Aguilar has prospered; to officers Antonio Contreras, Sebastián Orias and Andrés Miguel García; and agents Antonio Martínez, José María Sola, Juan Ramón Martínez, Tomás Antonio Trigo, Fernando Montes, Inés Martínez, Jaime Climent, Juan Calvo, Ceferino Barreña, Joaquín Moreno and José Antonio Mozo.

Also unanimously agreed to ask the Spanish Committee of UNICEF the inclusion of Benidorm within the Child Friendly Cities program, expressing the commitment of the city to work in a coordinated and stable way in favor of Children's Rights. In the same line, and with the same result, the plenary has approved the Regulation of the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents of Benidorm.

In the same session has been reported the filing of an appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Community against a resolution of December 20 of the Consell de Transparencia. Likewise, the report on the level crossing of Beniardá avenue has also been reported in relation to the TRAM line of Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana (FGV).

Extraordinary motion

Out of the order of the day, the plenary session has approved by majority a proposal of the councilman of Street Cleaning, Arturo Cabrillo, amended by PP and PSOE, relative to the service of waste collection and street cleaning. The proposal contemplates not admitting the review of prices claimed by the FCC concessionaire and also the recourse against the plenary agreement of September 2017, which is suspended in relation to the calculation of contract prices for the years 2018 and 2019 .

It also includes the obligation to approve the specifications of the new contract before the end of May, and as long as the suspension of the 2017 plenary agreement and / or the new contract is not awarded, the City accepts the 2013 labor agreement. FCC is required to present a bank guarantee before the economic differences arising from suspending the 2017 plenary agreement, so that in the event that the courts give the reason to the City Council regarding the price relationship 2009-2011 the administration can recover the possible amounts paid to the merchant.

Finally, the corporation has agreed to send to Consell Jurídic Consultiu (CJC) for its opinion the complete file of this matter.


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