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The City Council agrees to apply for registration as a Site of Cultural Interest The Tossal in La Cala, and European funds for four projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions

Benidorm plenary session claims the Government of Spain to be able to use 100% of the surplus to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19

25 May 2020
El pleno de Benidorm reclama al Gobierno de España poder utilizar el 100% del ahorro para paliar los efectos de la Covid-19

<p>The transfer to Turismo Comunitat Valenciana of a plot next to Invattur for the new CdT</p>

The plenary session of Benidorm today unanimously has approved a motion by the Board of Spokespersons to demand that the Government of Spain authorize City Councils to use 100% of the surplus - instead of the current 20% - to meet the needs derived from the crisis health of the Covid-19 and to mitigate the effects that it has caused to families and to the economic and productive fabric of each locality. After thanking "the work of the three groups of the Corporation", the spokesperson for the government team, Lourdes Caselles, has indicated that "City Councils are the ones who best know the needs of our citizens", adding that it is only fair that "we have 100% of the savings achieved ”to alleviate the situation of the population.

Caselles has indicated that this motion demands that "the Constitution and the laws regarding the territorial organization and financial autonomy of the City Councils be truly complied with", as well as that "the spending rule be made more flexible" so that more resources can be allocated to mitigate the effects of Covid-19.

The same agreement contemplates demanding the State to "mobilize more than 40,000 million euros for local entities", so that City Councils can have more resources to attend to families and to revitalize local economic sectors through grants and subsidies . It is also requested that the Government of Spain "urge the European Institutions" that the new programming of European funds for the period 2021-2027 include "the creation of specific funds" intended for municipalities for "the reconstruction of local economies" .

By majority, the plenary has approved the drafting of the modified project of the remodeling work of Mediterráneo avenue phase 1, and that it obeys to "supervening circumstances" during the development of the works, as indicated in the technical reports of the area of Engineering. The Councilor for Works, José Ramón González de Zárate, explained that this amendment "faithfully complies with legislation" and is "endorsed by all technicians." De Zárate recalled that the remodeling of this avenue “is the most important civil work on public roads” carried out in the last six decades and involves great complexity “especially in the subsoil”.

In this regard, among the circumstances that have arisen, the technical reports suggest that "services installed" in "different positions than those foreseen" have been detected in the basement, as well as some "unknown persons". Furthermore, the "subsoil conditions" have been "more unfavorable than those foreseen in the previous geotechnical study" and which have forced the initial approach to be varied and complementary and urgent actions "to mitigate very serious conditions". Likewise, the heavy rains of September last year “severely affected the construction of the projected anti-pollution tank”, which is essential to prevent storm water from leaving the beach; while it has been essential to adapt the Esperanto street collector to the “really available” space.

De Zárate recalled that in addition to the remodeling of the avenue itself, the project has also included the renovation of Plaza de la Hispanidad and the surrounding streets (Puente, Valencia, Esperanto, Periodista y Escritor Emilio Romero, Doctor Pérez Llorca and Bilbao) , as well as Europa Avenue. The councillor added that this work "represents a leap in quality" for Mediterráneo Avenue and has already become "a benchmark for international urban planning."

In the same session and also by a majority, the budget modification has been given the green light to assume this modification for an amount of 2.1 million euros, and which includes the adaptation of the modification made in the previous plenary session to address aid to companies, businesses, freelances and SMEs to alleviate the effects of the economic and social crisis derived from the health crisis caused by Covid-19.

Unanimously, the motion to request again to the Ministry of Culture that the archaeological site of Tossal de La Cala be recognized and registered as a Site of Cultural Interest, pending procedure since 1984. The Councilor for Historical Heritage, Ana Pellicer , has indicated that "surprising as it may seem, today this site is not formally and legally registered as a Site of Cultural Interest, despite having an undeniable heritage value and being a benchmark for archaeologists and scholars from around the world." After explaining that "the file started in 1984 was never resolved and is expired", as the Ministry has recently communicated, the councillor has clarified that it is necessary to start the entire process again so that the Tossal in La Cala site is recorded correctly registered and thus obtain the recognition it deserves.

Pellicer pointed out that the successive archaeological campaigns carried out at the site, in close collaboration between the City Council and the UA, as well as the conservation and musealization projects carried out, "have allowed important findings to emerge, which have only increased, exercise after exercise, the importance of this enclave ”, integrated into the network of defensive fortifications planned by General Sartorio v to control the southern coast of Cabo de la Nao in the framework of his armed confrontations with Pompey.

In addition, these findings, "have been increasing campaign after campaign the value and entity of the site and, consequently, further reinforcing the entity of the site and its recognition as Cultural Interest." In parallel, the commitment of this Town Council to preserve the site and put it in value has also grown; a commitment that is reflected in the ambitious musealization project undertaken ”.

With the vote of the entire Corporation, the regulatory regulation of the city auto-taxi has been approved to adapt it to the new Taxi Law of the Valencian Community and to the new reality; a document that "has been agreed with the two associations of the sector in the city", as indicated by the Councilor for Mobility, José Ramón González de Zárate. Among the issues included in the new text are: the ratio for the granting of new licenses, the assessment of the knowledge of languages ​​when granting them, the elimination of the requirement of exclusive dedication for the owners, and the implementation of the incompatibility of the license holder with another profession related to transport -including that of VTC driver-. Reference is also made to: the limitation of advertising on vehicles in the rear doors and moon, the authorization of advertising in the 'mupis' of the stops, the regulation for the renewal of ecological vehicles, 7-seater taxis are enabled and 9 with extraordinary character, and the introduction of telematic means of payment.

De Zárate has indicated that these new specifications "are going to represent a leap in quality in the provision of service, also in the field of tourism."

With the same vote, the Corporation has completed the transfer process to Valencian Community Tourism of a 5,320 square meter plot next to Invattur for the construction of the new Tourism Center (CdT). The Councilor for General Heritage, Jaime Jesús Pérez, recalled that in February 2018 the City Council showed its collaboration and interest in the project proposed by the autonomous administration, which formally requested the transfer of land in January of last year. The councillor explained that once the parcel has been segregated and properly registered, the parcel is transferred, through mutation, which will revert to the municipal heritage if the new building is not built within a maximum period of five years.

The head of General Heritage has highlighted that the new CdT will offer "benefits for the inhabitants of Benidorm, by having a new infrastructure for modern and cutting-edge tourism training" that will "respond to the current and future needs of workers of the tourist sector ”. Jaime Jesús Pérez added that the new building next to the Invattur facilities will favor "synergies", "new opportunities" and "the creation of new products", thus promoting "the creation of higher quality employment" in Benidorm and the region. Likewise, he clarified that once a new CdT is available, the current building on Benissa Street will be incorporated into the municipal heritage.

Also unanimously, several motions have been approved by the Councilor for Citizen Security, Lorenzo Martínez, to request the Valencian Government to award decorations to officers of Benidorm Local Police for various interventions. Thus, public congratulations have been requested for three agents who last October managed to keep a citizen alive through cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers until the arrival of SAMU. For a similar action, which occurred in January, the same distinction is requested for three other agents. The third public congratulations are demanded for three other agents who in December located and arrested a British citizen who had allegedly stolen a bus on a kamikaze tour and caused material damage.

Similarly, the award of a Police Merit Cross with a White Badge for 25 years of service has been requested for three officers and four agents; as well as with Blue Badge for two agents who in early April helped a citizen with a heart problem, performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation despite not having the necessary security means against Covid-19.

In the same session, the correction of the recent modification of the Municipal Organization Regulation (ROM) for the telematic realization of the sessions of municipal bodies has been reported; and of the referral of the agreement of last February in which the Consell was urged to demand that the Ministry of Finance pay the VAT corresponding to the 2017 financial year to the Autonomous Communities. The resolution of the General Secretariat of les Cortes Valencianes, which designates official personnel for the purpose of making electronic notifications on behalf of that chamber; as well as the opinion of the Consell Jurídic Consultiu that dismisses the request for financial responsibility presented by the mercantile Outlet Market C.B.

Urgent motions

By majority, it has been agreed to extend the management contract for l’Aigüera's public car park from six months to one year, based on the report submitted by the Engineering area. The Mobility Councilor has indicated that this agreement includes "requiring" the current concessionaire, Parcosa, to carry out "the repair and maintenance work" of the facilities based on the audit carried out by the municipal technicians at the end of 2019, among the that is the repainting of the parking lot -which is very advanced-, the improvement of the signaling and the installation of automatic doors on the -2 floor.

De Zárate explained that while this extension lasts, the municipal technicians "will study the possible management and exploitation formulas" of this car park, to adapt the contract to "the new conditions arising from the current situation generated by the Covid-19". In this sense, the mayor has pointed out that the technicians already had prepared a specification, although it is necessary to readjust it to the new situation. since it is considered that "it is not the moment to bid".

The creation of a Technical Innovation Commission and its operating regulations have been unanimously approved. The councillor of the area, Aida García Mayor, has indicated that innovation is "a hallmark of the city", "of its productive fabric" and "of the City Council", and has delved into that since the certification of Benidorm as the first Destination Smart Tourist of the world, the city "has become an attractive showcase for all kinds of new initiatives" that connect with the interest of "continuing to promote the Smart Destination Living Lab"

García Mayor, explained that having this Technical Commission "will allow us to set a policy" that is "consistent with our strategic planning and with our brand image", as well as "adequately assess the opportunities" that arise and "achieve that innovation becomes part of our organization and becomes part of our administrative culture ”.

Finally, with the majority vote of the Corporation, four proposals have been linked to the request for European funds for singular investments aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and promoting sustainable mobility, as well as the City Council's commitment to provide the economic resources that would correspond to obtain these subsidies.

The Councilor for Mobility has indicated that the measures contained in these four proposals would allow Benidorm to "go seven years ahead" of the CO2 emission reduction values ​​that are being proposed at the European and national level in the Climate Change Law that is being processing. De Zárate explained that Benidorm has advanced work in this regard through actions such as the constant widening of bike lanes, to the creation of dissuasive parking lots; and has clarified that the funds that the City Council should contribute would be throughout the period 2020-2023.

The first singular project is that of ‘Supply and installation of LED luminaires and regulation and control to improve energy efficiency in public lighting installations’, valued at 6 million euros and 50% eligible.

It is the second project for which the City Council is committing to enable funds is the ‘Access control and sustainable regulation of car parks in Benidorm’, for an amount of 4.8 million euros to be financed at 50%.

The third project, which amounts to 689,251 euros, proposes the ‘Installation of cogenerators for the self-consumption of biogas and generation of electrical energy in the Benidorm WWTP”; while the fourth proposes the foto Photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in municipal public buildings ’with an investment of just over a million euros.


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