This will control better the compliance of measures imposed by the state of alarm, which to date the population has followed in an exemplary manner.
Benidorm closes the secondary entrances again coinciding with the long weekend of May

Benidorm City Council closes again from tomorrow, Wednesday, April 29, the secondary accesses to the city, limiting the entry and exit of vehicles to the five main entrances: Villajoyosa, Juan Pablo II, Beniardá, Comunidad Europea and Comunidad Valenciana, in which special devices of the Local Police and National Police will be established. This special device is put into operation coinciding with the long weekend of May, and "once the effectiveness of this measure was verified during last Easter," said the mayor, Toni Pérez.
The mayor recalled that this special device comes to reinforce the controls that have been carried out since the state of alarm was decreed, and stressed that its implementation coincides with the celebration of a long weekend in which "there must be a decrease in the vehicle circulation ”and, therefore, a reduction of traffic between Benidorm and other locations.
The mayor has stressed that “the limitation of accesses to the city will allow to control better the mobility restrictions imposed by the state of alarm; a compliance in which Benidorm is being exemplary, as well as when following the rest of the measures decreed at the national or municipal level ”. At this point, Toni Pérez stressed that "quite recently, the behavior of our population has been confirmed in recent days, in which families have organized outings with minors in accordance with the guidelines established by the Government of Spain".
At this point, the mayor has indicated that "in principle, for prevention and prudence, throughout the week the restrictions on access to beaches and parks of the city will be maintained", a situation that could progressively reverse as circumstances progress " .