At the beginning of the training sessions, the mayor wishes success to the squad and coaching staff and reminds them that they are "the flag of sport in Benidorm and the mirror for boys and girls"
Toni Pérez asks Benidorm Handball "to continue to excite a whole town"

Palau d’Esports ‘l’Illa de Benidorm’ hosted this morning the presentation and start of the training sessions for ASOBAL squad of Benidorm Handball Club, which for the eighth consecutive season is a member of the Spanish handball elite.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, and members of the corporation have come to the sports facilities early in the morning to greet the team, management and coaching staff and wish them success in the competition.
Toni Pérez has encouraged them "to maintain the category and continue to excite an entire people", highlighting that fans also enjoyed last season "despite how complicated and difficult it was". He reminded the squad that they are "the flag of sport in Benidorm and the mirror where many boys and girls look at themselves", for the city and the region.
The mayor encouraged them to “keep fighting” and recalled that “the city council will be there, supporting them”.
Pérez concluded by praising the trajectory of the team and coaching staff, encouraged the board to persevere and launched the final message: "there is no challenge that is not approachable and that motivation prevails above all because with work and effort challenges are overcome" .
The president, Javier Abínzano, stressed that the squad for this 2021/22 season “is a very appropriate mix of seniority and youth” and that the goal is “to continue growing to go further” on five pillars: “squad, quality, work, effort and dedication ”of a team“ big in heart and dedication ”. He regretted the "eliminatory by decree" in the European competition, recalling that he felt "very bad, because even in the appeal they gave us the reason".
The first ASOBAL league game will be played by Benidorm Handball on September 11 in Cuenca.