The City Council, which has invested 48,399.96 euros in the work, will sign agreements with the user entities
The premises of Unión Ciclista and Association of Drums and Cornets in Mercasa, rehabilitated

The rehabilitation works of the ground floor of the municipal facilities of Mercasa, in Foietes, come to an end. In the next few days, the venues that use municipal Technical Services, the Musical Association of the Virgin of the Sufragio of drums and cornets and Unión Ciclista, will be available again to its users, after its restoration. Some works that have involved a municipal investment of 48,399.96 euros.
The mayor of Benidorm, Toni Pérez, together with the councilors of Works, Culture and Sports, José Ramón González de Zárate, Jaime Jesús Pérez and Mª Dolores Cebreros, have moved to the ground floor of Mercasa to check the evolution of the works, which In a few days they will be completely finished. The action has involved the repair and waterproofing of the roof, new electrical installations and the interior and exterior renovation of the buildings, toilets and terraces. Likewise, the reform has been used to install new "led" luminaires, more sustainable and functional.
When the works are finished, the municipal premises will be made available to the users. For this purpose, the City Council will sign collaboration agreements with Unión Cilclista and the Musical Association Virgen del Sufragio, so that they can continue to develop their activities with maximum guarantees.