Until next Monday, the works are exhibited in 25 ‘muppis’ distributed in different parts of the city
The posters against gender violence by students of IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch, in the streets of Benidorm

The posters against gender violence designed and made by the students of the 2nd year of Artistic Baccalaureate of the IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch can now be seen on the streets of Benidorm. From the beginning of this week and until next Monday, December 13, the work of the students is exhibited in 25 backlit muppis installed in various parts of the city, “in order, through their creativity and gaze, to raise awareness in the general population about this social scourge that unfortunately each year continues to cost dozens of women their lives ”, said the Councilor for Equality, Angela Zaragozí.
Zaragozí recalled that "the collection of posters that each year the students of the IES Pere Mª Orts i Bosch make is one of the initiatives that the Department of Equality, with the support of the Culture area, promotes to raise awareness about violence in gender involving the young population, and to which is added the film and equality workshop 'Documóvil', which will shortly begin its fourth edition and whose registration is open ”.
After the exhibition passes through the streets of Benidorm, these posters will be exhibited in educational centers in the city and in other towns in the region.