From 11.00 am, members of the committee, queens and their court of honor collect coins of one euro to achieve the maximum possible meters of donations
The Fiestas Committee raises funds for the Major Patron Saint Festivities with the traditional Euro Marathon
One more year, the Comissió de Festes Majors Patronals has chosen the month of September to celebrate the traditional 'Euro Marathon', an initiative aimed at raising funds for the organization of the festivities in November and with which they collaborate with shops, establishments of hotels, residents and tourists.
The mayor, Toni Pérez; the councilman of Fiestas, Jesús Carrobles; and the queens Fátima Carrobles and Anna Calbo, were the first to deposit their euros on the adhesive tape that will run along the Paseo de la Carretera and in which the coins collected will be placed one by one. The inauguration took place at 11.00 in La Palmera, and it was attended by several members of the corporation, the ladies of the Festes Majors Patronals, the president of the entity -Paco Marín-, and the Mayors of 2018.
At the end of the afternoon we will know the amount of meters reached by the Comissió and, consequently, the money that they have managed to raise.