The City Council has adapted the facilities to house this educational service until the GVA completes the works of the cultural center
The Municipal Conservatory of Music moves on Friday to the new municipal building on Escuelas Street

‘José Pérez Barceló’ Municipal Conservatory of Music will transfer its teaching activity to the new municipal building on Escuelas Street as of this Friday, October 1. This was reported today by the Councilor for Education, Maite Moreno, who explained that "with the construction practically completed and with the supervision of the building by municipal technicians, we have considered that these units are the most suitable to host the Municipal Conservatory of Music until Society for Thematic Projects of the Valencian Community (SPTCV) completes the works of the cultural center, releasing the CEIP Leonor Canalejas classrooms as soon as possible precisely when within her school calendar she extends her day ”.
Moreno recalled that "the desire of the City Council was that the Conservatories of Music and Dance began the 2021/2022 academic year in the cultural center, in which it will be its final location, but due to the delay in the execution of the works on the calendar provided by the Generalitat itself, we have sought a solution so that both educational centers can carry out their activity with maximum convenience and comfort, and with facilities that meet their needs ”.
For this reason, "this municipal building has been chosen, which will later be the headquarters of the Adult Training Center -former EPA-" and whose construction "was assumed by the City Council through the Edificant Plan."
Moreno has pointed out that "the management team of the Municipal Conservatory of Music has confirmed the suitability of these new facilities for the development of their classes" and "has given the go-ahead for the transfer." The councilor recalled that "last week the students began the course in the main building of the CEIP Leonor Canalejas and other municipal offices in an interim solution."
“As soon as we have had the new building at our disposal - she has detailed -, we have started to work through the municipal Technical Services to condition the premises for the Conservatory, and on Friday morning we will proceed to move the furniture and instruments ”.
The Councilor for Education has pointed out that "we hope that the cultural center is completed as soon as possible, but while that happens from the City Council we give an optimal solution to the temporary situation of the Conservatory".