The action, with an investment of 428,551 euros, has an execution period of four months
Benidorm completes the first phase of the drinking water and sewage improvement works on Pérez Martorell street

Benidorm City Council is about to finish the work on the first phase of the renovation works on the drinking water and sewage infrastructure on Metge Pérez Martorell Street, which began last April once Easter had passed. This first phase covers the section between Martínez Alejos and Carmela Martínez.
The street will be open to pedestrians and traffic in the coming days. However, the sidewalk next to Nuestra Señora de los Dolores school is already enabled for pedestrian crossing. This morning, the Councilor for the Water Cycle, José Ramón González de Zárate, visited the area to check the status of the work, the first phase of which will end in a few days.
The expected period for this entire action is about four months, according to the councillor, although the work will resume after the summer. The budget for the works is 428,551.57 euros, financed by the concessionaire company of the Integrated Water Cycle, Hidraqua, charged to the Renewal Funds of the Municipal Drinking Water and Sewerage Service.
The renovation includes the replacement of 200 meters of the drinking water network by installing a ductile iron pipe with a nominal diameter of 250 millimetres. Another 110 meters of the wastewater network are renewed with a PVC pipe of 315 and 400 millimetres of nominal diameter by conventional civil works means. 85 meters are rehabilitated with a sleeve system composed of fibreglass, as well as the renewal of their corresponding home connections.
These works are completed with the installation of pipelines for municipal services “such as fibre optics or any other that is deemed necessary” and the urban scene of the area is improved “through the execution of a single platform at the same level, in addition to placing new urban furniture,” indicated González de Zárate.
In any case, González de Zárate has highlighted that "we have fulfilled what we said at the beginning of the work, that by the summer the street would be open." At the moment, work is being completed at the junction with Martínez Alejos, “the part with the most pedestrian traffic because it is closest to the commercial area, but in the first week of July both sidewalks will be open until the final pavement has been placed”, which will be carried out in the next phase after the summer.”
In this sense, the head of Ciclo del Agua recalled that the next phase includes other streets in this area such as Virgen del Sufragio or Plaza del Torrejó, "but we are waiting for permission from Costas, which has not yet arrived, to to be able to execute it.” However, the councillor has indicated that the tender will be brought forward "because we have a subsidy from the Provincial Council and the intention is to have everything completed in 2024 or at the latest at the beginning of 2025."
“This is a necessary action on services that were already obsolete and that needed to be renewed and replaced,” explained the mayor. The action also improves public decoration and accessibility, so in the opinion of the councillor "With works like this we are building the Benidorm of the future."