In response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Member States of the European Union and their community institutions implemented, among others, the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, approved by Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and the Council, a financial instrument conditional on the execution of a series of Measures, reforms and investments, included in our National Recovery Plan.
Execution scope
European Union Member States have drawn up national recovery and resilience plans to receive financial support under the Recovery and Resilience Facility. El Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia details a complete agenda of investments and reforms specifying the monitoring and control goals, objectives and indicators.
Spain is one of the main beneficiaries of the Mechanism with a total of 140 billion euros. This amount includes €69,528 million in non-refundable transfers and can also access more than €70,000 million in loans until December 31, 2026.
To facilitate the deployment of investments, the Plan is based on four main ideas:
- Ecological transition
Digital transformation
Territorial and social cohesion
Gender equality
The Plan, inspired by the Agenda for Change, the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, is structured around ten lever policies that will directly impact those productive sectors with the greatest capacity to transform our economic and social fabric. The ten lever policies integrate, in turn, 30 components or lines of action structured in 102 reforms and 110 investments that make up the Measures that deploy projects and, when it is necessary to carry out these projects by several executing entities, subprojects.
The milestones and objectives are the measures established to evaluate progress towards compliance with the reforms and investments contained in the Plan. Milestones are qualitative, while objectives are those achievements that occur at a quantitative level. Disbursements are conditional on meeting the milestones and objectives included in the Council Implementation Decision (CID). Therefore, Spain must guarantee the monitoring and effective execution of the Plan, especially the fulfilment of the milestones and objectives within the agreed deadlines.
The projects included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan will be carried out through agreements, bidding for contracts and the call for subsidies and aid from the General Administration of the State, Autonomous Communities and, where applicable, Local Entities.
The Plan meets community demands. All the measures it incorporates comply with the principle of "do no significant harm" to the environment. Likewise, the measures included in the Plan exceed the minimum thresholds established in the Regulation of the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism for the contribution to the climate objective and the digital objective, 37% and 20%, respectively.
Management system
In December 2021, the constitution, composition and operation of the Municipal Monitoring Commission and its work teams were approved to respond to the implementation of a management system capable of meeting the requirements defined, especially in two regulatory bodies, Order HFP/1030/2021, of September 29, and Order HFP/1031/2021, of September 29. These Ministerial Orders define a management system with its conceptualization and terminology: all those public sector entities, among which are Local Corporations, that receive funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, must be subject to such configuration after defining, planning, and executing, monitoring and controlling the projects or subprojects into which the Plan Measures are broken down.
Communication plan
To guarantee the dissemination of relevant information about the Plan, access by all companies and citizens to financing, and the identification of the community nature of the funds that finance the projects, the communication plan contemplates the implementation of meetings and presentations, events and events, social networks, audiovisual communication, consultation forums, and the development of a website.
Anti-Fraud Measures Plan
By article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, when implementing funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, the launch of a Plan de Medidas Antifraude and a procedure for reporting irregularities and suspicions of fraud detected through specific channels that connect with various means to carry them out, and which may be:
Applications submitted to the Next Generation EU Funds call
- Cybersecurity Operations Center
Benidorm Phygital
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