XXII Music Contest 'Villa de Benidorm' 2023

The Department of Culture announces the XXII 'Villa de Benidorm' Music Competition, which in this edition will be developed in the 'pasodoble' modality. As many participants as they wish can enter the contest, with no limit on age or compositions, which, however, must be original, unpublished and not have been performed in public before the jury's decision.
As in previous editions, this XXII 'Villa de Benidorm' Competition includes a single prize of 2,000 euros and a trophy sponsored by the City Council, which reserves the power to give a definitive name to the winning work.
The rules of the contest, open until 11:59 p.m. on July 31, have been published in the Official Gazette of the Province (BOP) on April 18 and can be downloaded below. Once the deadline for submitting pieces has ended, the jury will evaluate the works in the next 15 days and will communicate the motto of the winning 'pasodoble', which will be performed at the Extraordinary Concert to be held in September.
In 2022 the contest was held in the Christian march modality, with the piece 'Serra Gelada Marcha Cristiana' by Azael Tormo who was the winner. The previous year, it was the turn of the Moorish march. Also in 2021, the winner was the composer Manuel from Valencia, in this case with the piece presented under the motto 'Año de Esperanza' and which the City Council titled 'Andrés, músic i tagarino', in tribute to the musician from Benidorm Andrés Teuler.